Get Ready to

Take Control of Your Health

Conditions we commonly address:

Hormonal Imbalances

Weight Management and Metabolic Disorders

Insomnia and Sleep Issues

Mental Health

Digestive Disorders

ADHD & Mood Disorders

...and so many more.

Your renewed health starts here!

Unlock Your Body's Potential:

Discover Functional Medicine.

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches and hello to personalized care tailored to your unique needs. You Embrace a holistic path to wellness that

addresses the root cause of your health concerns and doesn't just rely on pills for this and pills for that!

Join us on a journey towards optimal health and vitality

Feeling your best doesn't have to be hard.

You just need the right help.

When conventional advice leaves you bewildered, exhausted,

and uncertain if you'll ever get your health back on track... it's time to dive deeper.

By prioritizing care that addresses the root causes of your health issues,

you unlock your potential to heal, flourish, and above all...

Reconnect with the people and passions that mean the most to you!

Our Approach


Identifying & Resolving Pathways:

We pinpoint and address your inflammatory triggers,
such as chronic infections, toxic burden, and nutritional
deficiencies that are preventing your body from healing on its own.


Tailored Supplements:

We provide personalized supplement regimens and
protocols for each phase of healing, tailored to your
root causes, medical history, and lab results.


Comprehensive Health Guidance:

Receive expert recommendations on mind-body
techniques, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments to
continually enhance your well-being.


Holistic Assessment and Support:

Benefit from a holistic assessment, coaching, and
ongoing support to obtain the answers and strategic
plans necessary for improved health.

Feeling your best doesn't have to be hard.

You just need the right help.

When conventional advice leaves you bewildered, exhausted,

and uncertain if you'll ever regain your vitality, it's time to delve deeper.

By prioritizing care that addresses the root causes of your health issues,

you unlock your potential to heal, flourish, and above all...

Reconnect with the people and passions that mean the most to you!

Our Approach


Identifying and Resolving Inflammatory Triggers:

We pinpoint and address your inflammatory triggers, such as chronic infections, toxic burden, and nutritional deficiencies, among others.


Tailored Supplements:

We provide personalised supplement regimens and protocols for each phase of healing, tailored to your root causes, medical history, and lab results.


Comprehensive Health Guidance:

Receive expert recommendations on mind-body techniques, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments to continually enhance your well-being.


Holistic Assessment and Support:

Benefit from a holistic assessment, coaching, and ongoing support to obtain the answers and strategic plans necessary for improved health.

Why Choose Us?

Expertise and Experience

Unraveling the Mystery of Your Health. As a dedicated Functional Medicine practitioner, I delve deep into your health story, utilizing meticulous intake processes and advanced lab analyses. Through personalized care, I uncover the root causes of your ailments and craft holistic health solutions, blending lifestyle adjustments with the healing power of natural herbs and nutrients. Together, let's embark on a journey towards optimal health and vitality.

Patient Centered Care

Your health journey is our top priority. We believe in fostering a collaborative relationship between patients and practitioners, where your concerns and goals are heard and respected. Through thorough assessments, thoughtful discussions, and ongoing support, we strive to empower you to take control of your health and make informed decisions.

Comprehensive Approach

Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses solely on symptom management, we take a comprehensive approach to healthcare. By considering the interconnectedness of body systems and addressing lifestyle factors, nutrition, and environmental influences, we empower our patients to achieve optimal health and well-being.

Meet Carolyne Mburu-Gerena PMHNP-BC

Hello, I'm Carolyne Mburu-Gerena, a passionate Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) and certified functional medicine practitioner. The driving force behind Naturally Renew. My journey into healthcare was ignited by a profound desire to uncover the root causes of health issues and empower individuals to achieve vibrant, lasting wellness.

I can't wait to meet you and hear YOUR story!

Your Path To Healing

1. Discover

During the discovery phase, we conduct a thorough analysis of your overall health from head to toe, along with specialized laboratory testing. We meticulously explore biochemical patterns and environmental factors to uncover any potential threats to your well-being, leaving no aspect of your health unexamined.

2. Heal

Through personalized wellness plans tailored to your specific needs, we aim to alleviate symptoms, promote tissue repair, and restore optimal function. Our integrative approach combines evidence-based interventions, including nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle modifications, and targeted therapies, to expedite the healing journey.

3. Thrive

Being healthy involves resilience and the capacity to cope with life's challenges. The thriving stage of treatment is when you acquire the skills to sustain well-being amidst the demands of family, work, and other life commitments. When you feel internally balanced, you can engage with life more energetically, vibrantly, and compassionately.


The Naturally Renew Program

Getting Started is Simple

Book a

Discovery Call

Join Us

for An Assessment

Get Started and

Renew Your Health!

If you're feeling stretched for time, energy, or finances to invest in your health presently,
consider the potential consequences of neglecting it.

Investing in your health, means investing in your future and we know you deserve to feel better NOW!

Let us be your accountability partner on your journey to wellness and vitality.


Sara K.

Carolyne is a God send. She helped me understand what was really going on with my anxiety that was taking over my life! I'm on the road to recovery from a ton of pills and some seriously out of whack hormones!!

Teddy W.

I highly recommend working with Carolyne. She spent the time to really learn about me and what was going on and did some tests I didn't even know were possible to find out what was causing my issues. She can help.

Cassie T.

I couldn't sleep and my moods were ALL OVER THE PLACE. My doctor wanted me on meds but I'm so tired of the medication I wanted a different approach. Naturally Renew has been great I'm sleeping again and my husband will say my moods have improved A LOT!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a personalized, patient-centered approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness or imbalance in the body. It considers the complex interactions between genetics, environment, and lifestyle factors to optimize health and prevent disease.

How is Functional Medicine Different from Conventional Medicine?

Unlike conventional medicine, which often treats symptoms with medications or surgeries, functional medicine seeks to understand and address the underlying factors contributing to health issues. It emphasizes a holistic approach, aiming to promote wellness rather than just managing disease.

What Conditions Can Functional Medicine Address?

Functional medicine can address a wide range of acute and chronic health conditions, including digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, metabolic issues, chronic fatigue, and more. It's particularly effective for conditions with complex underlying causes.

What Can I Expect During a Functional Medicine Consultation?

During a functional medicine consultation, you can expect a comprehensive assessment of your health history, symptoms, lifestyle factors, and environmental influences. Your practitioner will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan focused on addressing the root causes of your health concerns.

What Treatment Modalities Does Functional Medicine Use?

Functional medicine incorporates a variety of treatment modalities, including nutritional therapy, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, targeted supplementation, detoxification protocols, and mind-body therapies. The approach is highly individualized based on each patient's unique needs.

How Long Does it Take to See Results with Functional Medicine?

The timeline for seeing results with functional medicine varies depending on the complexity of your health issues, your adherence to the wellness plan, and other factors. While some patients experience improvements in symptoms relatively quickly, achieving long-term wellness often requires ongoing commitment and patience.

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